Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Cologne, Germany

I have a nasty sore throat and somehow the aircon got turned dow to 15 degrees last night which resulted in me waking up with the driest throat in history.  Fortunately he is well trained and promptly donned his clothes and went to the end of the corridor to fetch me a nice hot cup of tea,.

Aaah this is the way to wake up, sit up in bed all snuggled under a doona with a hot cup of tea and a panoramic view of the german countryside going past your window.  

This morning was  a lazy cruising morning which was much appreciated.  Due to technical difficulties yesterday (meaning 3 power failures) we were 3 hours late leaving port which meant we wouldn't get into Cologne in time to disembark and see anything.  Due to this they organised for the boat to stop at Zons where we disembarked and bussed into Cologne (a short distance by road but a long distance by river).

Cologne was interesting.  90% of the town was destroyed in WWII but the one spectacular building to survive was the Cologne Cathedral.  This is one spectacular building, absolutely gob smacking incredible!  It is believed that the only reason it survived the war was that it was so large (taking over 600 years to build) that the bombers used it as a landmark to bomb the rest of the city.

We had a walking tour of the city which included the Cathedral, the Jewish Centre and other bits and pieces.  The standout one for me was the old arch of a sewerage system.  /Apparently the Romans were in Cologne and set up their usual water and sewerage system and then along came the Germans who didn't understand it and let it fall into disrepair and it took another 1000 years before the ever effecient Germans got the city to the same standard of sanitation.  So much for there over engineering everything!!!

Back from the thoroughly entaintinly and interesting tour to another fantastic meal on board.
The meal we had last night is below and I have added the quantities so you don't think I have been a complete and utter pig (well thats what I'm telling myself).

Duck Mousse on black bread (served on a teaspoon)
Waldorf salad (about 3 mouthfulls)
Tomato and Red Pepper Soup (tea cup size)
orange sorbet
Tempura Shrimp on sundried tomato risotto (1 big prawn on 1tbsp risotto)
herb and pastry crusted veal loin with asparagus and mash (1 slice veal and little veges)
creme caramel mousse
cheese platter

As you can see we are really slumming it!!!!  Thankfully with the small portions you get to taste lots and every course has up to 5 different options.

We have a wonderful cruise director 'Roberyt', no sure of his nationality as yet but he is hysterical, has the driest sense of humour and his one liners just crack us up.  He is also the fashion plate of the cruise.  Today we started out with a particularly bright orange shirt with matching shoes (obviously in honour of the new Dutch king) but this was teamed with the most georgous floral coat - every woman on the tour wanted to rip it off him.  Tonight he changed for dinner into a fabulous teal shirt with matching shoes.  He is such a dream boat and so full of incredible information and witty comments he gets a full house every night to go thru the next days itinerary.

I'm writing this blog as they have a 'special treat'for us with classical musicians on board playing some classical music - whish I could say by what composer but don''t have a clue.

Oh forgot to say that during during my wine glass is never empty ....so excuse the typos

till tomorrow

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